At Sulvaris, we develop proprietary technologies that transform industrial co-products into agronomically and environmentally friendly fertilizer products.
A Fertilizer containing micronized elemental Sulphur and Ammonium Sulphate
A brand-new Ammonium Sulphate fertilizer containing micronized sulphur
A revolutionary carbon-based, ammonium phosphate product
A revolutionary carbon-based, ammonium sulphate product
19% N, 21% S, 5% C (19-0-0-21-5C)
SGN: 290-320 (2.9-3.2mm)
Uniformity index > 60
Crushing strength > 4.5 kg (10lb)
HIGH RTA and LOW dust
Flexible process allows for alteration of nutrient analysis and carbon content, as well as the addition of micronutrients
A Broad Acre Potash and Sulphur Fertilizer
Potash MST® granules produced at IFDC
A brand-new potash fertilizer containing micronized sulphur
Traditional Elemental Sulphur Products
(75-2000 micron size avg 960)
Specialty Products with Elemental Sulphur
(50-200 micron size avg 150)
Sulvaris MST® Particle Size
(1-12 micron size avg 7)
A broad acre phosphate fertilizer containing micronized elemental Sulphur
Phos MST® has all three nutrients evenly dispersed through every granule
Traditional Elemental Sulphur Products
(75-2000 micron size avg 960)
Specialty Products with Elemental Sulphur
(50-200 micron size avg 150)
Sulvaris MST® Particle Size
(1-12 micron size avg 7)
A broad acre fertilizer containing micronized elemental Sulphur and Urea
A brand-new Urea fertilizer containing micronized sulphur
Traditional Elemental Sulphur Products
(75-2000 micron size avg 960)
Specialty Products with Elemental Sulphur
(50-200 micron size avg 150)
Sulvaris MST® Particle Size
(1-12 micron size avg 7)
A broad acre liquid fertilizer containing micronized elemental Sulphur
On average, Liquid MST® has provided greater yield responses than ammonium thiosulfate across all site-years studied.
The sulphur in MST® is immobile in the soil until it is oxidized to sulphate. Liquid MST® has less leaching than ATS and can be readily integrated into fall and early spring applications.
Liquid MST® does not have a high salt or nitrogen component that can damage germinating seeds, or foliage.
This is a high analysis sulphur product, meaning a lower volume of product is required to achieve sulphur requirements.
Liquid MST® is suitable for side dress applications.
Liquid MST® has a lower carbon footprint than tradition sulphur products such as ATS or AS.
Liquid MST® allows all of the crop’s sulphur requirements to be provided from one source, creating an opportunity to choose an environmentally responsible N source.