Crop, or no crop? In this case, sulfur is the deciding factor between the two. Depicted below shows what a relatively small application of sulfur (25kg S/ha) can do for a canola crop in a deficient soil.
In this trial at the University of Alberta Breton Plots, we are seeing a greater response to sulfur fertilizer than nitrogen, and in these situations adding more nitrogen without sulfur can make these sulfur deficiency symptoms worse. This is due to the need for balance between nitrogen and sulfur within plants and the critical roles these nutrients play in protein synthesis, enzyme activation, and chlorophyll production to name a few. Furthermore, sulfur deficiencies which limit crop growth will also limit nitrogen uptake, making nitrogen applied to deficient crops susceptible to losses to the environment.
Sulvaris’ UreaMST® provides both nitrogen and sulfur in a single granule to ensure a balanced application of these critical nutrients for crop performance. Further, by incorporating MST® technology into fertilizer granules, we improve product handling by reducing product caking and improving flowability, especially when compared to other sulfur sources like ammonium sulfate.
*All photos taken on the same day