Sulvaris has the latest Carbon Control Technology (CCT™) products under development in field trials this year that not only focus on CCT™ as a fertilizer source for sulfur, phosphate and nitrogen, but also show potential for mitigating N2O (GHG) emissions from soil, an area receiving increased attention from policy makers.
We continue to develop our CCT™ technology offering a circular economy based solution to industries that focuses on upcycling waste, reducing agriculture and industries’ environmental impact, while improving soil health and increasing agricultural nutrient use efficiency with premium fertilizer products resulting in improved food production.
In recent Sulvaris grow room trials, CCT-Multi demonstrated greater use efficiency than the grower’s standard practice, increasing wheat yields by 7% (41% over the control without P).
CCT-Multi provides a desirable nutrient composition and reduced salt load, especially for starter/in furrow applications, applicable to many crops in North America.