Sulvaris/Breton Plots Field Day

The University of Alberta Breton Plots were established in 1930 as a long-term continuous experiment evaluating crop rotations, fertilization, and liming. A lot of applied and fundamental research has come from these plots, including the importance of sulfur in crop production in these soils. The team at Sulvaris are grateful to help support the important research at […]

Urea MST on Sulfur Deficiencies

Crop, or no crop? In this case, sulfur is the deciding factor between the two. Depicted below shows what a relatively small application of sulfur (25kg S/ha) can do for a canola crop in a deficient soil. In this trial at the University of Alberta Breton Plots, we are seeing a greater response to sulfur fertilizer than […]

100,000 Hours Worked With No Lost Time Incidents

Sulvaris is excited to celebrate reaching 100,000 hours worked without a Lost Time Incident since we began tracking this in January of 2021! Workplace safety is extremely important to us to protect our valued employees and visitors. We continue to focus on improving safety conditions and protocols across all departments from our laboratory to the […]