The University of Alberta Breton Plots were established in 1930 as a long-term continuous experiment evaluating crop rotations, fertilization, and liming. A lot of applied and fundamental research has come from these plots, including the importance of sulfur in crop production in these soils. The team at Sulvaris are grateful to help support the important research at the Breton plots and to be able to have research trials with MST® and CCT™ products adjacent to the Breton Plots.
Our Agronomy Manager, D. Mark Howell (depicted below), presented on sulfur deficiency and the importance of balanced fertility in canola production at the Breton Plots field day. Here we are evaluating our UreaMST® product performance based on different application strategies to fit within 4R nutrient management frameworks for nitrogen and sulfur. This trial is an excellent example of how severe sulfur deficiencies can limit yield. With products like UreaMST®, and MAP+MST® we aim to provide tools for growers to ensure crop sulfur demands are met in an efficient manner.
Prem Pokharel, PhD, AIT, Research Scientist at Sulvaris, followed this with a presentation on our Carbon Control Technology (CCT™), highlighting the development of this product line and the benefits we are seeing in nutrient use efficiency and greenhouse gas reductions.
Sulvaris are also attending Ag In Motion near Saskatoon this week. Reach out to connect!